Sunday, January 2, 2011

Taking Social Media Seriously........Changing how business is done in Chillicothe

Facebook and Twitter arent just for personal use anymore. As a matter of fact Social Media has quickly become the most effective way in my opinion to market your product or service.No matter how large or small your business or concept is, it has become a must to get involved in Social Media Marketing.

Twitter evolved into a great way to communicate in short simple messages a special or link to information about your business, and when Twitter simply changed its Title Tags last year, it allowed Tweets to be indexed in Search Engines like Google and Yahoo creating a voice for your business.

Facebook then created Facebook Pages, with the intention of business socializing and networking. Soon after Twitter became search engine friendly, Facebook changed Title tags and began having posts indexed in Google and other major search engines.

When I moved back to the Chillicothe after several years of the big city life, I noticed right away that internet marketing was pretty much a untapped market in the Scioto Valley. I started out in the Search Engine Optimization/SEO side of internet marketing and had great success with getting local businesses on the 1st page of Google, but the problem was that locally very few had switched to search engines from phone books. So even though my tool was effective in concept it wasnt working for the business and there bottom line. The old saying "build it and they will come" wasnt happening and it was time to look for new and more effective ways for my service to be a benefit to a business, and not just another cost.

Then came Facebook Pages........

Almost 30,000 facebook profiles have a Chillicothe location dialed in as their present location. Once I discovered this, I had found where the people were. Now the task was to see the local businesses create and utilize a Facebook Business Page.
6 months ago, very few if any businesses were in the facebook universe yet. I started creating Facebook Pages as a part of my marketing package and promoting them heavy on facebook. One by one, the local businesses appeared on facebook walls
with people liking them and creating whats called "viral" (self growth) growth. But after all these different local businesses had created their pages, there was no commom spot for the Chillicothe user to view Facebook Business Pages..

Then came the Chillicothe Ohio Facebook Page.......

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